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Quick Start

As an example, let's work through a simple example, and imagine we recieve "top-5-sleuths.csv" daily, over sftp. It's meant to look something like this:

first_name last_name rating cases_solved
Peter Wimsey 9 11
Jane Marple 9 12
Father Brown 7 53
Hercule Poirot 10 33
Beatrice Bradley 8 66

It's meant to contain the top 5 sleuths, only sometimes, it has the wrong number of entries; othertimes first names are missing; and whilst ratings should be out of 10, sometimes they are over that. To make things worse every now and then, someone puts "lots" into cases_solved meaning it's no longer a number, and that causes all kinds of trouble.

Writing Tests

We can convert those concerns we just mentioned into four tests to carry out on our dataset:

  • The row count should be 5
  • first_name should never be null
  • rating should be be less than 10
  • cases_solved should be a number

We can test for a lot more than that, but that works for our example. Our first move is to write this out as a "contract". This can be a yaml or json file, or alternatively, we can code it directly into python.

- test: row_count_should
  be_exactly: 5
- column: first_name
  test: null_percentage_should
  be_exactly: 0
- column: rating
  test: max_should
  be_less_than_or_equal_to: 10
- column: cases_solved
  test: type_should
    - int64
    - float64

Note you'll need pyyaml installed to support reading yaml

    "test": "row_count_should",
    "be_exactly": 5
    "column": "first_name",
    "test": "null_percentage_should",
    "be_exactly": 0
    "column": "rating",
    "test": "max_should",
    "be_less_than_or_equal_to": 10
    "column": "cases_solved",
    "test": "type_should",
    "be_one_of": ["int64", "float64"]
from wimsey import tests

checks = [
  tests.null_percentage_should(column="first_name", be_exactly=0),
  tests.max_should(column="rating", be_less_than_or_equal_to=10),
  tests.type_should(column="cases_solved", be_one_of=["int64", "float64]),

See Possible Tests for a full catalogue of runnable tests and their configurations.

Executing Tests

Now that we've written out tests, we just need to actually run them on the actual data. There's two functions wimsey gives you to carry out checks: validate and test. These both carry out checks in the same way, but behave slightly differently based on the results.

  • test will return a FinalResult type of object. It's a dataclasses containing a success boolean, alongside further details on the individual tests in a results lists.
  • validate will run the checks and then just return the initial dataframe assuming everything passed. If any tests failed, it'll stop execution and throw a DataValidationException.

These are designed to cover a couple different use cases, test will provide more details if you want to dig into problems in a dataset, whilst validate is helpful if you just want to use wimsey as a "guard" to catch bad data from being processed.

We'll cover test first, it's called the same regardless of what type your dataframe is:

from wimsey import test

result = test(df, contract="sleuth-checks.yaml")
if result.success:
  print("Everything is as expected! 🙌")
  print("Uh-oh, something's up! 😬")
  print([i for i in result.results if not i.success])

Note you'll need pyyaml installed to support reading yaml

from wimsey import test

result = test(df, contract="sleuth-checks.json")
if result.success:
  print("Everything is as expected! 🙌")
  print("Uh-oh, something's up! 😬")
  print([i for i in result.results if not i.success])
from wimsey import test
from sleuth_checks import checks

result = test(df, contract=checks)
if result.success:
  print("Everything is as expected! 🙌")
  print("Uh-oh, something's up! 😬")
  print([i for i in result.results if not i.success])

Wimsey uses fsspec under the hood, so configs can be from any filesystem supported by fsspec (such as S3, SSH, Azure, Google Cloud etc) - use the fsspec prefix and pass in the appropriate storage options using test's storage_options keyword. See fsspec documentation for more details on this.

Validate, will run tests in the exact same way as test, but simply raises an error if data fails expectations. This, in conjunction with Wimsey's compatibility with multiple dataframe types can make it a convenient tool for providing guarantees in a data pipeline.

import pandas as pd
from wimsey import validate

from settings import sleuth_storage_options

top_sleuth: str = (
  .pipe(validate, "sleuth-checks.json")  # <- this is the wimsey bit
  .assign(name=lambda df: df["first_name"] + df["last_name"])
  .sort_values("rating", ascending=False)

print(f"{top_sleuth} is the best sleuth!")
import polars as pl
from wimsey import validate

from settings import sleuth_storage_options

top_sleuth: str = (
  .pipe(validate, "sleuth-checks.json")  # <- this is the wimsey bit
  .with_columns(name=pl.col("first_name") + " " + pl.col("last_name"))
  .sort("rating", descending=True)

print(f"{top_sleuth} is the best sleuth!")
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from wimsey import validate

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("SleuthApp").getOrCreate()
df ="sshfs://sleuthwatch/top-5-sleuths.csv", header=True)

validate(df, "sleuth-checks.json")

top_sleuth = (
      F.concat_ws(" ", F.col("first_name"), F.col("last_name"))

print(f"{top_sleuth} is the best sleuth!")
import dask.dataframe as dd
from wimsey import validate

from settings import sleuth_storage_options

top_sleuth: str = (
  .pipe(validate, "sleuth-checks.json")  # <- this is the wimsey bit
  .assign(name=lambda df: df["first_name"] + " " + df["last_name"])
  .sort_values("rating", ascending=False)

print(f"{top_sleuth} is the best sleuth!")
from pyarrow import compute, csv
from wimsey import validate

from settings import download_sleuth_file

df = csv.read_csv("local-5-sleuths.csv")
validate(df, "sleuth-checks.json")  # <- this is the wimsey bit
name = compute.binary_join_element_wise(df["first_name"], df["last_name"], " ")
df = df.append("name", name).sort_by("rating")
top_sleuth = str(df["name"][-1])

print(f"{top_sleuth} is the best sleuth!")

And that's it for testing, to keep things simple validate and test are the only public-intended functions in Wimsey, aside from test creation, which is covered further in the possible tests section.

Wimsey also support generating tests, see the building tests section for how to get started.